Within the category of logical functions have one of the most powerful we can use to decide what value to put on the grounds that the values \u200b\u200bof one or more cells meet a criterion.
The function syntax is SI: IF (expression, value if true, value if false)
- SI, is the name of the function
- Expression is a condition or function that returns true or false , in other words if the condition is true and if not satisfied
- false value if true, we want to do excel if the expression is true. Can be text, a reference or a calculation.
- value if false, like the previous case, we indicate here that we want to do excel if not met expression.
The function syntax is And :
Y (Condition1; condition2;...)
- And, the name of the function
- Condition1 first expression to evaluate whether it is true or false
- condition2 second expression to assess whether it is true or false
an example.
We have a list of candidates and we want to create a function to tell us whether or not candidates are selected. To be selected must have Vocational Studies (FP) and have a drivers license.
The solution would be in column D the following function (for example in cell D3)
= IF (AND (B3 = "FP" C3 = "YES"); "Selected", "Not Selected")