Monday, March 8, 2010

Region Hack Toshiba Sd38vb

Put the date in Roman numerals in Excel

I have not found any format that allows me to set a date as follows 12-VII-2010, so I have thought it a bit "tacky" to represent a date in that format. I need 4 functions and a hidden column containing the correct date
  • Functions are
    • DAY (date) returns the day of the date you indicated in parentheses
    • Month (date) returns the month of date shown in parentheses
    • YEAR (date) returns the year of the date indicated in parentheses
    • NUMERO.ROMANO (number) that converts in Roman numerals the number indicated in parentheses
  • We must concatenate (join) the different functions along with the symbol that separates the month and year ("-"). To join these use the character values \u200b\u200b"&" (the ampersand)
  • need a column (which can hide) which contains the dates you want to transform
In the following example we use the cell A1 to contain the date, putting the formula = DAY (A1) & "-" & NUMERO.ROMANO (MONTH (A1)) & "-" & YEAR (A1) in cell B1



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