be You, you, you ...
In our English-speaking world, speakers each country have their way of addressing the other, the caller the person with whom they talk.
In Costa Rica, people talk about everything you , especially when referring to strangers or people over to one. Is understood as a sign of respect and makes a half away when not enough trust between people. On the other hand, the ultimate colloquially to refer to a peer, friend or child that you are the you in the singular (for second person plural is used without exception the you, not you ). Thus, ustedeo voseo and alternate and share the space of everyday communication.
Although here we have reduced the phenomenon in end for explanation, social relationships are expressed through the alternation between you and you are not simple and produce a constant wandering. A Costa Rican speaker can start talking about you to finish talking you , but conjugating verbs you (the you that you hear on television, appearing in all the manuals and verb conjugations in all translations book made in Spain and Mexico, the you, in short, that comes from outside and artificial seeps into our daily lives until we know how to speak the Ticos). Worse, this rambling speech he moved to writing, where writer-speaker-now do not know what to do: try to approach the reader through a formula friendly, close, break barriers, or keep your distance, respect, dignity?
Very often the two intentions are mixed media and even in the short text messages can begin on a you -conjugated often as you- and you indispensable to maintain distance, authority and respect. I bring here an example taken from a church in Costa Rica, where this phenomenon is clearly seen in a very few words, barely a paragraph.
Internet penetration, with the increase of written communication through forums and chats, it also creates existential questions: How do you type in a chat or a forum? Just walk in foreign forums to realize than usual and often is the you, and a Costa Rican in foreign territories, it adapts easily. But Costa Ricans, when in a closed, for example an online course, prefer you and you still prefer the above you or you, particularly if they are adults. At least this happened in the last online course I took in Costa Rica, where he deliberately and with malice aforethought, and I threw the question a short survey. There was even adverse reactions to the idea of \u200b\u200busing "you" and not a single person was willing to use "you" when asked not consciously.
course, this type of mixing, curious and interesting as they are in a cultural context and as an object of study, become unacceptable if we change the context: If you are writing a book where it is essential to question the reader directly, it is necessary choose one style (you, you, you) and be consistent. This is one of the points that can become controversial in the day to day editing.
Where do you need the "you / you / you" in book publishing?
first thing that comes to mind is the dialogue: whether in literary texts or where there are recreations fabled characters, where some were diverted from there need to say "you" or "you." Here, of course, the correction will depend on the intent, uses and functions of the text. The question is whether it is necessary to keep the unit or want, instead, use those brands as a strategy language to display the cultural psychology of the character. In literary work, the correction should always talk to the author and reach an agreement.
But there are other works where you / you / you can be useful: the essay where the author wants to involve the reader, or, in the didactic text, several points where you want to create zones of encounter between the author / teacher and the reader / student. In particular, one of the most common areas where you need to question the reader is in the instructions and exercises that serve as a guide for activities, and to recreate experiments led interpretive reading.
You, you, or you in the instructions for teaching text?
We are accustomed to reading foreign texts written in you. It is easier to combine the forms are clearly distinguishable, the verbs give the appearance of having spelling mistakes ... So, a publisher that publishes books for Costa Rica Costa Rican children says "write in you, because it is easier to write and correct." This is an arbitrary decision not based on any scientific study of the speakers, even in a simple market research. It is a decision made behind closed doors, without taking into account the reader.
Other educational publishers, such as the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Uned, clarified that in Costa Rica, not Spain), have continued a long tradition of use of you in didactic works. The texts are written Adult scattered across the country. While it is true that, especially under the influence of television, some groups of young speakers you can use the in urban circles, even in villages and remote areas of the country you and you are the norm . And you something a tico only allows a friend, family member, their parents or partner, any other person who dares to address him in you (and least you ) is a disrespectful or abroad. Therefore, one can understand why you use remains the most appropriate for these texts. The you should be reserved only for dialogues between characters, the occasional explanatory text case deserving special, but not to address the reader.
In short
Personally, I advocate an issue that takes into account the linguistic features of the reader, without this requiring a strictly colloquial writing (the standard and correction are also necessary in written publications.) Therefore, before making an editorial decision of this caliber, one must ask what audience is intended the work (children, adolescents, adults), in what geographical area is played (city, country) and how talk among themselves. And once answered this, you must decide why you need the you / you / you and what are their functions within the text. Only after this, it may take a decision and, once taken, applied with uniformity and consistency.
way, and if he had any doubt in this blog you use the .
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