Processors (CPU) Part
(CPU = Central Processing Unit = Central Processing Unit)
Also called processor, microprocessor or micro, is the computer designed to perform the main tasks calculation. It is the "brain computer", but not the one that determines the overall speed of a computer, but if one of the greatest influence on that speed.
The problem today is known as the processor market and the difference between them is that many people talk about them without having very clear differences, and this causes confusion to other people, a mixture of terms so just being that each call or set to processors as it comes in wins.
A clear example of this is to differentiate between dual-core processors and those with dual processors, by somehow differentiate because there really is no better name to define the difference, for example, the Pentium D or Athlon 64 Dual core and Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 has 2 cores, I'll give an example (although for some Puritan seems this example a savage, I think those who are not computer professionals will understand perfectly): Imagine a
fried egg with 2 egg yolks and one clearly in a frying pan, that would be dual-core, make a drawing to view very clearly, the buds are pure processor cores and clear the cache and other components that are shared by 2 cores, or the 2 egg yolks (one is freaking out right now and think, "as he goes head to this guy "), now imagine the same pan but this time complete with 2 fried eggs inside each egg has a yolk and clear, that would be a processor with 2 cores.
Conclusion: that is named as Dual Core is no more than 2 cores sharing the other processor, the other the commotion could define dual processor, is this: Core 2 Duo, Athlon X2 and Pentium Dual Core that recent is based on the Core 2 Duo but "removing" some functions that are dual-processor as the model name can lead to confusion and think it's a dual core but it is not normal, so that should not be confused with the Pentium D processor is older and less power.
important thing when choosing a processor type is that the other components go in accordance to the power of the CPU selected, so that the configuration is balanced, ie if we choose an Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 is the most high-end, the most logical motherboard for this processor would be a (good brand if possible) with an Intel P35 chipset which is one of the most "juice" will take this processor. If instead we choose a Celeron Sempron or office computer or computer only to surf the Internet, Messenger, etc. As the board may well be a miniATX with integrated graphics and not look out, in this case the logic would not ride in a high-end motherboard ...
Some important features to consider in a CPU are: •
Intel FSB (Front System Bus = front side bus system) or AMD Hypertransport is the speed with which it communicates with a base plate girders which in turn communicates with the other computer components.
• Clock Rate (MHz ): measured in megahertz, is the internal speed with which the processor works
• Cache : it is a very fast memory, and face, which is why the amount is very small processor, which uses the processor to store the result of calculations momentarily. The L2 cache is usually displayed at the features when buying a CPU.
The result of these three characteristics combined with the instruction set (internal calculation or design) as a result gives us the power of each CPU, ie its actual speed (keep in mind that MHz is only one more fact to be taken into account)
And here Part 1
What separated in 2 parts so the second part be updated as new models come out processor (and even here a while Part 3 will make a much more specific with detailed specifications of the models "popular")
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