motherboard, part I
One of the most important components of a computer and also one of the least takes into account most of the people. It should be noted that this component is as its name indicates the basis on which they are mounted and / or connected all computer components (CPU, memory, vga, disks, etc), therein lies its significance, ie, if base plate on which everything is mounted and intercoms all components is not good, the performance will be significantly affected on 2 computers with identical components but different motherboards may reflect a significantly different final velocity.
As I say sometimes: the motherboard is like the base of a pizza, then go on the components, is important in a pizza base and may even make a difference in the final taste of this (beautiful horn Patri , I dedicate this:)). We
car with an example (something most computer scientists do not like to do, but sometimes it helps to understand things better.) Imagine 2 cars with the same engine, same (eg a 2000 DC with 150hp) are now one would put a single exhaust pipe, a heavy body and a chassis little aerodynamic and medium-sized wheels such as a 185, the other we put 2 exhausts, a lighter chassis and aerodynamics and wheel 225, the question is to the same motor which runs more or even what will give a better response acceleration?, As an example a bit radical but I think it serves to end to understand perfectly the importance of the motherboard.
This component is generally found that "Hot Deal" of large stores, which is usually a good processor, good amount of RAM, disk, etc., But advertising does not advertise that the motherboard that has the computer is the lower end of the market (and cheaper ...) this is where the fit price (among other things, because as we speak, the power of these computers are also usually very poor and in many cases use RAM brand "generic", yet it achieves a "large numbers" to appear much power but based on price cut components that ordinary people know.
Another day, I explain how to know how to choose a good motherboard and try to get (in this component is very difficult for many to know choice) informed of how the market and recommended models for each type of processor.
And of course when it arrives and you will not have anyone tell you "that you are not stupid "to convince you that the purchase you do is good ... but you will ask yourself with all details (with name) components that have to take the computer that you want (that's what eventually would want to achieve with this blog, help you to "Do not be fooled" and learn more about what is and goes inside your computer)
End of Part 1
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