Monday, March 22, 2010

Can Sleeping With A Heater

Logical Functions. Work with SI along with the AND

Within the category of logical functions have one of the most powerful we can use to decide what value to put on the grounds that the values \u200b\u200bof one or more cells meet a criterion.
The function syntax is SI:
IF (expression, value if true, value if false)
  • SI, is the name of the function
  • Expression is a condition or function that returns true or false , in other words if the condition is true and if not satisfied
  • false value if true, we want to do excel if the expression is true. Can be text, a reference or a calculation.
  • value if false, like the previous case, we indicate here that we want to do excel if not met expression.
often do not have to evaluate expression a condition but two or more. This means that the result depends on two or more cells that contain certain values. In this case we have to use the function within a function SI And that returns true if all the cells meet the requirements.
The function syntax is And :
Y (Condition1; condition2
  • And, the name of the function
  • Condition1 first expression to evaluate whether it is true or false
  • condition2 second expression to assess whether it is true or false

an example.
We have a list of candidates and we want to create a function to tell us whether or not candidates are selected. To be selected must have Vocational Studies (FP) and have a drivers license.

The solution would be in column D the following function (for example in cell D3)
= IF (AND (B3 = "FP" C3 = "YES"); "Selected", "Not Selected")

Monday, March 8, 2010

Region Hack Toshiba Sd38vb

Put the date in Roman numerals in Excel

I have not found any format that allows me to set a date as follows 12-VII-2010, so I have thought it a bit "tacky" to represent a date in that format. I need 4 functions and a hidden column containing the correct date
  • Functions are
    • DAY (date) returns the day of the date you indicated in parentheses
    • Month (date) returns the month of date shown in parentheses
    • YEAR (date) returns the year of the date indicated in parentheses
    • NUMERO.ROMANO (number) that converts in Roman numerals the number indicated in parentheses
  • We must concatenate (join) the different functions along with the symbol that separates the month and year ("-"). To join these use the character values \u200b\u200b"&" (the ampersand)
  • need a column (which can hide) which contains the dates you want to transform
In the following example we use the cell A1 to contain the date, putting the formula = DAY (A1) & "-" & NUMERO.ROMANO (MONTH (A1)) & "-" & YEAR (A1) in cell B1


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ninja Turtles Gummies

Video format MKV (Matroska Video)

can be found between the characteristics of some multimedia hard drives that work with the MKV video format to other formats "traditional" as AVI, MPEG, etc.
What advantage does this format as opposed to other, more widespread?
In official website (in English) of the draft Media containter Matroska, we can find lots of information, starting that this is a format that works with MKA (audio) and MKS (subtitles)
The idea is that this container to store a single file in both the film and several types of subtitles and languages.
is designed for use with audio compression formats and video today, improving the performance of systems such as AVI. Aside from having the ability to easily upgrade as new standards of audio and video compression to be out there
MKV converter to formats like AVI
More on wikipedia in a very comprehensive article interesting links