Sunday, February 27, 2011

Counter Strike Source 2010 Launch Options

Installing the Service Pack for Windows 7

A Service Pack is a set of operating system upgrades that make your computer run better or at least less vulnerable to viruses and system failures.
Through Windows Update tool can be updated the computer with different updates, but occasionally Miscrosoft gets a mega patch or Service Pack where these updates are collected some news.
can download it via Windows Update on your computer or directly from the Microsoft Download Center. Since the latter web site can choose both the architecture (x64, x86) and the full update for computers disconnected
W7 improvements in this Service Pack, although important do not affect a large number of users. Some of them are:
  • Improve memory usage for virtualization with Dynamic Memory
  • Wide usability of graphics applications and remote users with Remote Fx
  • better connection with devices HDMI audio
  • drives Support for "Advanced Format"
If you install the Service Pack something wrong?
If you have your computer updated with Windows Update there is no major problem since as commented above, the fixes included in this Service Pack has been distributed through the Windows tool.
Documentation on installation:
Download Service Pack
Forum (English)

Monday, February 14, 2011

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SACA resubmission of your particular computer

This presentation contains slides for a tour guide on concepts necessary to have the home in good condition will command and use it to do more than internet and play. Resume
concepts of computer hardware and software, utilities for maintenance, working with audio, video and basic concepts of Internet security and social networks.

Open publication - Free publishing - More utilities
Licencia Creative Commons
takes advantage of your PC from by Javier Roig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported .

Friday, January 14, 2011

I Found A Lump In My Bum What Is It?

WordPress Nisaba

For several months I have been preparing a surprise for people who read and visit constantly Nisaba: we moved to WordPress. The advantage of the new and renovated Nisaba Blog is that there are more options available, including subscription via email.

Another novelty is the creation of general indices grouped by topic. This will facilitate the navigation of the articles in this blog that, to date, already exceeding the 200 entries.

Interestingly enough during the transition to WordPress, for a few days still will not have favorite articles or statistics, for now everything is at zero. It will be a new beginning, but will add to success Nisaba that Blogger has taken: from the October 12, 2009, have been 34,764 pages in this blog.

For me this is a success beyond my wildest expectations and I thank all those who, with their views, have made this quixotic project worth continue to support with love and dedication.

And now, without further verbiage, the new address Nisaba:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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be You, you, you ...

In our English-speaking world, speakers each country have their way of addressing the other, the caller the person with whom they talk.

In Costa Rica, people talk about everything you , especially when referring to strangers or people over to one. Is understood as a sign of respect and makes a half away when not enough trust between people. On the other hand, the ultimate colloquially to refer to a peer, friend or child that you are the you in the singular (for second person plural is used without exception the you, not you ). Thus, ustedeo voseo and alternate and share the space of everyday communication.

Although here we have reduced the phenomenon in end for explanation, social relationships are expressed through the alternation between you and you are not simple and produce a constant wandering. A Costa Rican speaker can start talking about you to finish talking you , but conjugating verbs you (the you that you hear on television, appearing in all the manuals and verb conjugations in all translations book made in Spain and Mexico, the you, in short, that comes from outside and artificial seeps into our daily lives until we know how to speak the Ticos). Worse, this rambling speech he moved to writing, where writer-speaker-now do not know what to do: try to approach the reader through a formula friendly, close, break barriers, or keep your distance, respect, dignity?

Very often the two intentions are mixed media and even in the short text messages can begin on a you -conjugated often as you- and you indispensable to maintain distance, authority and respect. I bring here an example taken from a church in Costa Rica, where this phenomenon is clearly seen in a very few words, barely a paragraph.

Internet penetration, with the increase of written communication through forums and chats, it also creates existential questions: How do you type in a chat or a forum? Just walk in foreign forums to realize than usual and often is the you, and a Costa Rican in foreign territories, it adapts easily. But Costa Ricans, when in a closed, for example an online course, prefer you and you still prefer the above you or you, particularly if they are adults. At least this happened in the last online course I took in Costa Rica, where he deliberately and with malice aforethought, and I threw the question a short survey. There was even adverse reactions to the idea of \u200b\u200busing "you" and not a single person was willing to use "you" when asked not consciously.

course, this type of mixing, curious and interesting as they are in a cultural context and as an object of study, become unacceptable if we change the context: If you are writing a book where it is essential to question the reader directly, it is necessary choose one style (you, you, you) and be consistent. This is one of the points that can become controversial in the day to day editing.

Where do you need the "you / you / you" in book publishing?
first thing that comes to mind is the dialogue: whether in literary texts or where there are recreations fabled characters, where some were diverted from there need to say "you" or "you." Here, of course, the correction will depend on the intent, uses and functions of the text. The question is whether it is necessary to keep the unit or want, instead, use those brands as a strategy language to display the cultural psychology of the character. In literary work, the correction should always talk to the author and reach an agreement.

But there are other works where you / you / you can be useful: the essay where the author wants to involve the reader, or, in the didactic text, several points where you want to create zones of encounter between the author / teacher and the reader / student. In particular, one of the most common areas where you need to question the reader is in the instructions and exercises that serve as a guide for activities, and to recreate experiments led interpretive reading.

You, you, or you in the instructions for teaching text?
We are accustomed to reading foreign texts written in you. It is easier to combine the forms are clearly distinguishable, the verbs give the appearance of having spelling mistakes ... So, a publisher that publishes books for Costa Rica Costa Rican children says "write in you, because it is easier to write and correct." This is an arbitrary decision not based on any scientific study of the speakers, even in a simple market research. It is a decision made behind closed doors, without taking into account the reader.

Other educational publishers, such as the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Uned, clarified that in Costa Rica, not Spain), have continued a long tradition of use of you in didactic works. The texts are written Adult scattered across the country. While it is true that, especially under the influence of television, some groups of young speakers you can use the in urban circles, even in villages and remote areas of the country you and you are the norm . And you something a tico only allows a friend, family member, their parents or partner, any other person who dares to address him in you (and least you ) is a disrespectful or abroad. Therefore, one can understand why you use remains the most appropriate for these texts. The you should be reserved only for dialogues between characters, the occasional explanatory text case deserving special, but not to address the reader.

In short
Personally, I advocate an issue that takes into account the linguistic features of the reader, without this requiring a strictly colloquial writing (the standard and correction are also necessary in written publications.) Therefore, before making an editorial decision of this caliber, one must ask what audience is intended the work (children, adolescents, adults), in what geographical area is played (city, country) and how talk among themselves. And once answered this, you must decide why you need the you / you / you and what are their functions within the text. Only after this, it may take a decision and, once taken, applied with uniformity and consistency.

way, and if he had any doubt in this blog you use the .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Scrivener for Windows version 1.5 beta bibliographic

From December 24, 2010 is available Scrivener 1.5 beta for Windows. You can now download web site developers. If you want a version to run on Linux or revise the list of known issues, can also look at the forums of Scrivener.

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Academic writing is inevitably tied to the bibliographic styles. No respectable academic paper in all its forms (science, outreach, teaching, training), is complete without references to works consulted in its manufacture. But not enough to have data read and works mentioned in the text: it must also be done with precision, elegance, consistency and uniformity. In other words, you need to follow a format style for references, quotes and the drafting of the list of works cited or bibliography.

Some universities and institutions have designed Bibliographic their own guidelines. Others, however, have opted to choose other system. One of the major problems of Latin American universities is the most prestigious and distributed systems have been designed in English speaking countries, under different spelling rules to ours.

style selection
bibliographic style should be chosen before starting an investigation, writing or publication. Some colleges, departments, journals and publishers already have their own manuals or have chosen openly by a definite style. Should always check the rules of each institution and request the relevant handbooks.

If the institution does not have clear guidelines, is under the direct responsibility of the author (student or writer) to choose a citation style consistent and apply uniformly in all his work.

bibliographic style should be chosen according to the writing style and his field of expertise. Ought not, for example, follow a style designed for the humanities in an academic field. Each discipline has its peculiarities and conventions, therefore, always advisable to find the proper field, the most popular styles among the scientific community for which you write and choose the most versatile system for the particular citations in our investigation.

To provide evidence for the selection of a bibliographic style, here we review some styles that can be taken into account.

the editorial style of the University of Chicago
This is one of the oldest, prestigious and continuously updated bibliographic style. It is published through its manual, The Chicago Manual of Style (The Chicago Manual of Style), I know no English translation and would in any case, quite difficult to do, given its size and degree of specificity. Some topics, such as references Legal or copyright, they could not lead without an adaptation to the legal systems of our nations. However, it is a vast work in more than a century of publication has come to consider a rule for almost any kind of problem literature. This manual has been published since 1906, and its sixteenth edition was released in 2010. This was the first edition to be published simultaneously in print and online.

His chapters on creating bibliographies are more extensive and detailed I've seen so far (over 150 pages in a manual over 1000 pages). The latest edition also contemplates numerous Examples of materials in electronic format.

has the advantage of being a coherent and very detailed with two major variants: the system of footnotes and author-date system. The author or publisher chooses which one best fits your type of work and public and, for both, there are detailed rules. Many other systems use the basic format of Chicago as a reference and much of the oral tradition that is inherited in university classrooms had its origin in this system, even though neither teachers nor students can remember now. For PhD students, also recommended the Turabian manual, adapted from Chicago especially for this field.

addition to the two chapters dedicated exclusively to the format of the references, the manual details guidelines on parts of the publication, writing and editing of original illustrations and tables, copyrights and permissions, grammar and style, punctuation, spelling, names and terms, orthotypography of mathematical figures and abbreviations, foreign language words, quotes and dialogues and creating indexes.

is widely used in the field of history and other humanities.

The manual can be purchased through Amazon. You can also purchase an annual subscription to the online version very useful and versatile.

APA Manual
Perhaps fashion, perhaps for convenience, during the last decade, many Latin American universities have opted for the style of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association [APA]). Although widespread use among various social sciences, there are rare cases of scientific departments and even the health area which academics develop their theses and articles in APA style.

Of the systems which we state here, is the only one I know of a English translation, in this case, prepared by the Editorial Manual Moderno.

As indicated in the introduction of the fifth edition of APA style is a variant of the style author-date style from the University of Chicago, however, alters many of the guidelines proposed in this manual and, to date, and is far enough at some points.

should alert some translation problems of the modern version of Manual. While the editorial team makes a highly commendable work, there are points where it has not adapted the style to the English rules, or where in the translation process necessary adjustments were pending. It is also necessary to take care to apply some rules in our context, may be impractical.

The APA manual is in its sixth edition (2009) and is now available translated into English (2010).

MLA Handbook
The Modern Language Association (Modern Language Association [MLA]) published his manual in 1985, and in the third edition: MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2008). This style is perfect literature for literary studies and has spread its use in the field of humanities. Quite different from the styles of Chicago and the APA, but is better suited to the appointment of literary sources, poetry and classics.

MHRA The Modern Humanities Research Association (Association of Modern Humanities Research [MHRA]) was founded in Cambridge (England) in 1918 and bibliographic style is followed by many European institutions. It is very similar to Chicago and has the advantage of being free, since you can freely download website of the association.

is well suited for areas of humanities, such as publications in the field of history. Because of its similarity to Chicago, and the fact of being able to freely use, is a style that deserves consideration.

Vancouver and the Council of Science Editors (CSE, before CBE)
In the field of health and sciences, respectively, these two styles have great prestige and a long tradition in America. The CSE style is used especially in the field of biology, but its use has spread to other sciences. Some people find complex style of Vancouver, because instead of an author-date system, number each of the references. This method complicates the creation of the final reference list. However, for publications in these fields, both systems must be considered.

Blue Book The Blue Book or blue book is the style designed by Harvard University for citing sources legal. The guidelines for legal sources in the Chicago Manual and the APA are based on this publication, but it should be noted that not always applicable in countries whose legal system differs from the U.S. (based on case law).

ISO Standards ISO standards are part of the guidelines for standardization of the International Organization for Standardization [International Organization for Standardization]) founded in London in 1946. This is not a proper bibliographic style, but a regulatory framework for each institution or organization makes its own style. ISO 690 is in its third edition (2010). The original document of ISO is subject to copyright and must be purchased at the website of that organization or any of its subsidiaries in each country at a price of $ 100, but a free interpretation of these rules, drafted by Javier Bezos, you can download site Tex and Typography.

The UNE for references, by the English Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR) is the equivalent of ISO for Spain.

In short I think it is wrong to marry academics bibliographic style abroad only because it is fashionable or ignorance of alternatives. Styles mentioned here, not one has been designed for use in the English language and only two have been adapted in some way (APA and ISO). Due to copyright issues, only one of these styles (the MHRA) is freely available online. The interpretation and adaptation of the ISO Javier Bezos is also free, although the original manual of this institution is not.

is our responsibility to choose the most appropriate style for our publication and it completely. We must be aware of the implications of choosing style. For example, it is desirable to decide to use the APA style and based on a summary of second-hand to implement it: the right thing would be to purchase the manual and carefully review the translation to fit properly into our language. Once elected

convention literature and determined its details, the rest is fun academic reading, weaving, quote and build ... with style.

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Windows 7

Well as we all know from 2009 Microsoft launched its new operating system Windows 7 that I think has come to revolutionize the use of the PC as it is much improved handling and performance without neglecting the aspect, I can tell you I already I have a good time to use it and now do not change it for anything so today I bring you the download links and enabled so you can prove. I hope you like and enjoy.

First we will see the minimum requirements to install.

If you want to run Windows 7 on your computer, you need:

  • Processor 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) to 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher.

  • RAM 1 gigabyte (GB) (32 bits) or 2 GB RAM (64 bits).

  • available hard disk space 16 GB (32 bit) or 20 GB (64 bits).

  • graphical device DirectX 9 with a WDDM driver 1.0 or higher.

Additional requirements to use certain features:

  • Internet access (fees may apply).

  • According to the resolution, video playback may require additional memory and advanced graphics hardware.

  • Some games and graphics cards require compatible DirectX 10 or higher for optimal performance.

  • For some features of Windows Media Center, you may need a TV tuner and additional hardware.

  • Windows Touch and Tablet PCs require specific hardware.

  • HomeGroup requires a network and computers running Windows 7 .

  • For DVD / CD compatible optical drive required.

  • BitLocker requires Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2.

  • BitLocker To Go requires a USB flash drive.

  • Mode Windows XP requires an additional 1 GB of RAM and 15 GB additional hard disk space.

  • To listen to music and sound output is required audio.

product functionality and graphics may vary depending on system configuration. Some features may require advanced or additional hardware. Teams

multi-core processors : Windows 7
was designed to work with the current multi-core processors. All 32-bit versions of Windows 7 can support up to 32 processor cores, while the 64-bit versions can support up to 256 processor cores.

computers with multiple processors (CPU) :
commercial servers, workstations and other equipment of last generation may have more than one physical processor. Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate support two physical processors, allowing the best performance in these teams. Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic and Home Premium will recognize only one physical processor.

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enjoy now if Windows 7.

Monday, January 3, 2011

In Climbing What Does Vs Stand For?

False Friends Styles "facilitate" is not "facilities"

to theoretical and tourism professional, there is a false friend that has leaked in texts of all kinds: facilities for facilities.

This case is generalized to the point of being in Translations neglected by prestigious publishing houses (I know at least one case a Mexican publisher whose name I will not mention) and all sorts of information materials such as posters, leaflets and web pages.

For example, in a poster in a national park in Costa Rica, you can read the following headline: "Services and facilities." Under this item it is broken, among others, the following points: "Nine different trails, suspension bridge, walking tours, with hostel facilities to accommodate 47 people." The same poster is the English translation of this information, hence, the title is "Services and facilities."

This is a clear example of false friend where facilities can not be translated by facilities. We will now see why.

Facility (in English) has at least three major semantic fields (which can be seen in its various meanings). The first largely coincides with the definition of the word in English: "the quality of anything to be done easily," or, as the DRAE, "willingness to do something without much work." Another semantic field is ability or power to do something, but in these cases the best translation is, in effect, ability , power or ability to . In the only example where it is more or less equivalent to the term English is easy word, but can not be used in other contexts as well as could be "the facility for languages" which translates as "skill for languages ".

The false cognate on here are calling attention occurs in the other meaning in English: facility also means "something (as a hospital) that is constructed, installed or established to serve a particular purpose '(translated Dictionary Merriam-Webster ). It is also defined as "space or equipment needed to do something. Examples: cooking facilities; facilities for picnicking, camping, and hiking ; facilities include two swimming pools .

In English (just look at the DRAE or María Moliner dictionary) none of the meanings includes that meaning. Instead, it could use the words facilities and services to refer to this type facilities, as is being said in each case. Therefore, in the example we provide at the beginning of the article, the right thing would have been to write "Services and facilities. "

If we are publishers of books in the field of tourism, we have a responsibility to use correctly the word and correct our authors when internalized this false friend and write without ceasing facilities with a sense of facilities and services . A general translation error is no excuse to support the use of a false friend when viable alternatives are correct and in our language. Related Articles

What are the false friends?

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What are cognates?

The false friends or false cognates are words from different languages whose form (morphology) is very similar, but whose meanings are very different from each other. To give just a few examples, the library English means 'library', no 'library'; success means 'success', not 'event' and exit means 'exit' not 'success'.

False friends are often in translations made by novices or people with little training and experience in the field. They are common in very literal translations, where he leads is carried away by the word form (morphology) and does not investigate the meanings of two words in each language (semantics). This results in inaccuracies in communication.

If readers know the word mistranslated the original language, usually lack the tools to detect the error. As a result, bad translations, both books published by publishers, as media become more widespread, and large audiences hopelessly adopt a false cognate as the correct concept.

The problem is compounded when the false friend manages to fit into a community of speakers of some sort, for example, between a group of researchers at a university, between education and a career in a professional association ... So, in short time that community members are talking among themselves with a false cognate whose meaning everyone seems to understand. Why, they ask the scholar, it would be correct?

My answer is always halfway between respect for the rule and good communication: a false friend, usually the result of human error, error can be generalized only if the persons responsible for the media not stop in time. If we are in the midst publisher (and as publishers, editors or writers of any kind, including journalists), we are bound by our profession to a responsible use of the words. It is sad when a reader uses unskilled poor translation of a publisher known to support and legitimize the use of a false cognate.

other hand, if we find a community of speakers where a false cognate has been introduced without warning, it is always correct, even if slowly. If the language is going to change, that change as it should, thanks to the speakers to suit the changing needs of communication and not as imposing inevitable and unconscious errors corrected in time.

To extend the theme of false friends or false cognates recommend reading the entry "false friends" in the Dictionary editorial and style of José Martínez de Sousa (2003), which explains the origin of the term and propose alternatives to its name.