Sunday, June 29, 2008

What Makes The Feeling Of Your Stomach Dropping?

Building an Internet radio station for 500 users transmitting with SAM2

Well today I bring you how to create your own Internet Radio Station. The web

find countless pages in which we talk about this subject but almost all tell us how to do creating a server from your own computer which limits our ability to listeners as the Internet connection generally have no more than 50 if we have a good bandwidth, but I would want to talk about a service that provides a server with which we can connect and stream from our computer but with a capacity of 500 to 2000 users and the best is free only have to register on the .

many pages we also talk about how once we pass on the server, the majority explains how to set up winamp or Virtual DJ but this time I will bring a better program and is the 2 SAM BROADCASTER we will make our broadcasts are heard more professional plus it is very easy to use and does not consume as much memory as Winamp, or that Virtual DJ also has the advantage that can be used in the background is, that we can stop transmitting while we work on something else because we can put in "Auto DJ", mute and close your window and only an icon in the taskbar.

This believe me is the best way to make your own Radio Station and can be transmitted easily.

Here is the entire manual to create the server and configure Sam 2 today to begin transmitting. Click Here

I hope they serve.


Serial SAM 2


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