Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Difference Between Fakan And Real Boobs

Transform an HTML page to ASPX

On more than one occasion we need to add controls. net to a static HTML web page. To do this, we need to transform this HTML in ASPX page and if necessary link to a page of code in Visual Basic or C #
1 A copy of the HTML page and rename the extension to ASPX.

2 Add the @ Page directive at the beginning of the code.

3 Added within the body tags in a form with runat = server property that contains existing controls on page

From here we have a fully functioning aspx page in which can use asp controls. net.

If you also want to use programming in Visual Basic or C # we have to make any further step.

1 Add to draft a new element of type Class (from adding new elements) and put as name the aspx page and as an extension aspx.vb aspx.cs Visual Basic or C #.

Default asks if we want to save this new file in the App_Code folder, and it detects that a file of code, we can say no and they nest under the aspx file we created in the previous step
2 Modify the code file class aspx.vb / aspx.cs indicating that it is a partial class that inherits the class

3 Indicate to the ASPX page, which is the associated code file and class. For this we modify the @ page by adding parameters and ClassName CodeFile

From now we have totally transformed the site and operational controls to work with both. Net and to use code (in this example) Visual Basic or C #



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